Dai Suiko shū
the Dai Suiko shū 大 水虎 宗 is a mixture of Bön religion and Daishinbutsu shū to honor the deceased emperor Daisuiko Shakyamuni and to keep his teaching alive.
The rules we adhere
The rules written in the constitution of Tibet °°The corrected new Mahayana°° are accepted rules for the Bön religion and all other schools of Buddhism.
My ordination
The ordination by emperor Daisuiko Shakyamuni as Bön'po, that made me adhere the by all accepted rules for Buddhsm, that is always Shamanism and Dude of Dudeism.
My job
To be judge, thar has to be staight in Bön religion, kanchō of al teachingschools of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, like emperor Daisuiko judged it, is written and beeing part of the family of emperor Bön'obo.
Constitiuton of Tibet
for all Anubis' and Anubis' priests, also called:
°°The corrected new Mahayana°°
Rules for every shū, what means traditionschool of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, that are the Dai Suiko shū (a syncretism of Bön' and Daishinbutsu shū), the Bön shū (also called Bön religion), the Shugendō shū, the kōan* writing Rinzai shū, the Ploofnoof shū, the Shaolin shū, Daishinbutsu shū, the Kappa shū (only for deads), and all other schools of Buddhism, where you aren't allowed to eat cowmeat, that are always Shamanism, because of the Mun religion king Siddharta Gautama, was member of:
1. Don't have other ancestors than the monkeys.
2. Do not smoke in a normal way.
3. Don't missuse the names of the heterosexual Anubis', also called Suiko, Hoodoo' or goddog' and the homosexual Anubis' priests, that are also called Kappa, Hoodoo' too or gooddoog'.
4. Do houngan and bocor magic of benu class, apis class, thothsi class, sobek class and horus class, when possible, every day and night, like written on facebook.
5. Don't lie, don't matter if dead or alive.
6. One must only eat until the mid of the day.
7. Wear kesa and be bald.
8. Don't be unpolite, unfriendly, unhonest, respectless, honorless or copying.
9. Don't steal and never take anything, that is not given.
10. Only kill for survival and selfdefense.
11. Don't desire your next property or slaves.
12. Always answer questions truthfully, that you can answer.
13. Never take, except four times, **intoxicating drugs of natural origin.
14. Never make others small.
15. Never consume, except four times a month, any meat or alcohol.
16. Do no sexual acts, that the sexual partners involved do not like or don't want.
17. Do not do any kind of sex, that isn't thought for making childs.
18. Never inflict suffering on any being.
19. Never make a member of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, break this rules, that are worldwide for all buddhists counting.
20. Believe in and pray to gods and spirit beeings of Shamanism, Hinduism and Shintō.
21. Share what you have with the needy members of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, 22. Always listen instead of revel in thoughts.
23. Never teach a own interpretation of the Dharma.
24. Never disrespect the three jewels of Buddhism, that is always Shamansim.
25. Adhere the rules written in this constitution of Tibet, don't matter where.
26. Accept this constitution of Tibet as counting for all buddhists and in every building, where a member of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, are.
27. Never commit any of the five great crimes, like killing or shedding blood of members of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, also called Anubis' or Anubis' priests, like sowing discord in a sangha or Sangha, like raping, like talking badly about others, like doing magic against members of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
28. Never teach views that contradict the teachings of the buddha (e.g.: sectarianism, teaching unbelief in relation to the three jewels of refuge, disregarding the law of cause and effect).
29. Never destroy embassies, Embassies, temples, Temples, shrines, Shrines, monasteries and Monasteries of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
30. Only teach the absence of duality, when you understood nonduality.
31. Never prevent members of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, from studying buddhistic writings.
32. Never make members of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, break the rules written here.
33. Never spread false views about Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
34. Never claim false to have realized nonduality.
35. Never take the property of the members of a Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
36. Never leave Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, ever again.
37. Never take resources of practioners of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, away.
38. Never build unfair structures, like homsexuals above.
39. Accept the ranking of Shintō deites and the spirit beeings: first ō kami, then shin, then yōkai, then oni, then yurei
40. Make, eventually through printing this rules, portraits of the gods and spirit beeings of Shamanism, Hinduism and Shintō.
41. Offer offerings daily to the buddha, Dharma, sangha and Sangha with body, speech and mind, through practicing bows, doing prayers and contemplating their good qualities.
42. Never act out of lower desires.
43. Always show respect to members of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
44. Never claim false to be member of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, and therefore are a representative of Nepal / Tibet, that is the Hugiland.
45. Invitations must never be rejected.
46. Never reject gifts.
47. Teach those who are willingly to understand how to be buddhist, and print theses rules for all members of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, of any kind of teaching.
48. Never reject members of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, who want to live at you and assist them in their development into adulthood, that have the name, that is, when homosexual, Kappa, Anubis' priests, gooddoog' or Hoodoo' too or, when heterosexual, Suiko, Anubis', goddog' or Hoodoo'.
49. Never neglect ethical training, to become respectful, honorful, polite, friendly and honest so others develop confidence in Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
50. Do much for the sake Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
51. Do not teach nonsense, like lieing, making others suffer or interpreting written or movements.
52. Make a living as a member of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, through donations, and if you want to, you can do sales of drugs, malas, zafus, zabutons, kesas, lucky charms, stickers or shirts, depending on what you want.
53. Be primarily be interested in actions, that are constructive for Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
54. Never stop freeing oneself from behavior, that causes to fall into a bad reputation amongst the members of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
55. Never throw buddhists out of the sangha or Sanga, except they constantly break rules mentioned in this constitution of Tibet.
56. Always correct those who act with disturbing emotions or attitudes.
57. Never react to insults with insults or to lies with lies.
58. Forgive buddhists, that are the members of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, who are angry with us.
59. Always have to listen to someone's apologies.
60. Never give yourself into feelings of anger.
61. Never gather a circle of disciples and followers around oneself with the aim of obtaining profit, praise, love or security from them.
62. Meditate for at least two hours a day to honor the buddhas teaching.
63. Never participate in gossip or chessgames, called deviding games.
64. Accept the Dhammapada, called Dharma, as central teachingbook of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, of any kind of teaching and this constitiution of Tibet, that is counting in all monasteries, Monasteries, embassies, Embassies, temples, Temples, shrines and Shrines of the Hugiland, that is Nepal / Tibet, in every country worldwide.
65. Free oneself from obstacles or persons, that prevent mental stability.
66. Never use the magical powers, you gather through meditation, for own benefits or harming others.
67. Accept, that the buddha, suiko, Suiko, kappa and Kappa are shin, what means eighter god or ghost, therefore goddog', you have to pray to.
68. Don't waste time and energy with reading teachings, that do not contain facts and the study mainly buddhistic writings.
69. Do not do illegal things, like touching others against their free will.
70. Never reject the teachings of the buddha, and additional study the explanations written here: https://www.facebook.com/Ichigu.Wo.Terasu
71. Never suppress others, except through the ****genuine hierarchy of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, counting inside and outside of our temples, Temples, embassies, Embassies, shrines, Shrines, monasteries as well as Monasteries.
72. Teach this rules to all members of Buddhism, that is always Shamansim, for the sake of the members of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
73. Never believe unprooven, what is written.
74. Help members of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, who need help.
75. Take care of sick persons of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
76. Work to erase the suffering of other members of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism. 77. Teach the ruthless to be in tune with their character.
78. Dispel the grief of other members of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
79. Material aid must always be given to poor and needy members of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
80. Take care of the needs of the members of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
81. Be in harmony with the inclinations of other members of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
82. Speak in words of praise about the good qualities of other members of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
83. Prevent those who are a threat to Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, from entering. 84. Members of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, have to use their supernatural powers.
85. Neve misstreat members of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
86. Walk the path of the Anubis', Hoodoo', Suiko and goddog', what means adhering these rules and become straight.
87. Respect and fulfill the wishes of a member of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
*written, lies, that confuse the mind, when not trained in kōan.
**intoxicating drugs of natural origin can be stored in Embassies, Monasteries, Temples and Shrines of Budhhism, that is always Shamanism.
*** when it is written small in this constituiton, then it is dead, when big it's alive.
****Genuine hierarchy for the Anubis' and Anubis' priests, that are imperials:
- kanchō and kanjine manage worldwide all temples, Temples, embassies, Embassies, shrines, Shrines, monasteries as well as Monasteries of their school of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
- then rōshis and rōshas manage countrywide all temples, Temples, embassies, Embassies, shrines, Shrines, monasteries as well as Monasteries of their school of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
- then daizenji ōshos and daisuike ōshas manage statewide all temples, Temples, embassies, Embassies, shrines, Shrines, monasteries as well as Monasteries of their school of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
- then zenjis and shukes manage zipcode wide all temples, Temples, embassies, Embassies, shrines, Shrines, monasteries as well as Monasteries of their school of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
- then bhikkhus and bhikkhunis manage citywide all temples, Temples, embassies, Embassies, shrines, Shrines, monasteries as well as Monasteries of their school of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
Becoming a member of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, in three simple steps:
1. Register yourself as atheist at the registry office, destroy your countries Identity Card and print the Embassador ID.
2. Profess to the Buddhas teachings at a ordained Dharmateacher you trust and believe in many gods and spirit beeings mentioned in this constitution of Tibet.
3. Adhere all these rules, that count for every shū, that are teachingschools of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism.
What is necessary in all schools of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism:
- adhere all these rules, but especially the rule of noninteruption between different schools of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, called shū.
- use the question °°Ehi, bhikkhu / bhikkhuni?°° only for asking, if a person wants to join the polytheistic religion Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, where they have to answer, if they want to join Buddhism, that is always Shamanism
- adhere all rules written in this constitution of Tibet for at least 20 years to become a real zenji or shuke.
- do exactly what the suiko and Suiko, that is the kanchō, then the rōshis and the roshas, then the daizenji ōshos and the daishuke ōshas, then the zenjis and the shukes, then the bhikkhus and the bhikkhunis, of a individual shū write, but don't interferre the other shū.- meditate for at least two hours every day to calm and control your own mind instead of the thoughts of others.
Daisuiko Maitraya's work corrected by Yama-Lama Ichigu Wo Terasu