Dai Suiko shū
the Dai Suiko shū 大 水虎 宗 is a mixture of Bön religion and Daishinbutsu shū to honor the deceased emperor Daisuiko Shakyamuni and to keep his teaching alive.
The rules we adhere
The rules written in the constitution of Tibet °°The corrected new Mahayana°° are accepted rules for the Bön religion and all other schools of Buddhism.
My ordination
The ordination by emperor Daisuiko Shakyamuni as Bön'po, that made me adhere the by all accepted rules for Buddhsm, that is always Shamanism and Dude of Dudeism.
My job
To be judge, thar has to be staight in Bön religion, kanchō of al teachingschools of Buddhism, that is always Shamanism, like emperor Daisuiko judged it, is written and beeing part of the family of emperor Bön'obo.